Teach the Teachers (TTT) Conference

Teach the Teachers (TTT) Conference

Freedom and Destiny: Exploring them through Clinical Cases and Biographical Questions

from 05. to 08. September 2025


The Teach the Teachers conference offers a space to meet and exchange about how we can creatively teach today's new learners. This year’s meeting continues a three-year focus on essential spiritual topics. All colleagues who teach about anthroposophic therapies, nursing and medicine, in big or little ways, are invited to participate. 

What happens at a TTT conference? The meeting focuses on lively exchange with each other and on learning new perspectives. You are warmly invited, whether you are an experienced trainer or have just started teaching. A major emphasis is on small group work and other activities that help engage adult learners. 

Over the past two years we explored ways to teach about reincarnation, then karma. This year we will look together at questions of Freedom and Destiny. We have learned that researching these topics, it is not only a support for our teaching but also a support for our own personal development and our sense of community. 

What will happen this year? We will share preparatory readings on freedom, destiny and biography ahead of the conference. You can join us to read them in a group (on Friday evening, the 5. September) or you can study them on your own. Then, when we all come together for our three-day meeting (starting on Saturday) we will go quickly into group work and exchange. We will explore Dynamic Judgment Formation as a learning and therapeutic tool, hear about how Steiner approached Freedom and Destiny, and practice teaching through clinical cases and biographical questions. 

The main presentations will be in English, with Spanish translation (El idioma principal será el inglés, con traducción al español). Small group work can be done in English, Spanish or German (or other languages, as well, if you bring enough colleagues with you). The group is limited to 70 participants. 

We hope this conference will continue to inspire participants to bring home new insights and share them with their own countries and communities.