Financial fundamentals
As an institution of free spiritual life, the General Anthroposophical Society does not engage in profitable economic activity and is recognized by the tax authorities of the canton of Solothurn as a tax-exempt non-profit institution.
The General Anthroposophical Society is supported by its worldwide 42'500 members through annual contributions. In addition, it has revenue through various services, e.g. scientific research projects, publications and conferences etc. as well as a public theater and eurythmy stage. In addition, however, the company relies on donations from private individuals, foundations and companies as well as legacies in order to achieve a balanced calculation and to carry out special projects such as building renovations, new productions or research projects.
How to support the work of the Goetheanum
Support through donations during lifetime
Any voluntary donation that a giftgiver makes to a gift recipient is a donation during his lifetime. Donations generally do not require a written contract. They are completed upon transfer (liquid assets, securities, valuables, etc.).
Free donation or earmarked donation?
A free donation makes it possible to respond to new future impulses that are not yet fully known, as well as to cover the basic running costs. There are also many tasks that are difficult to describe in detail. The unrestricted donation therefore allows for freedom of work in a special way. With the earmarked donation, the intention of the donor is realised in concrete terms. The enthusiasm for a project and the concrete financial contribution is what makes the cause come into being.
Donation pledge
If you want to support the Goetheanum as a whole or a specific project, but the transfer of your donation can be made later or in installments, then a written gift or a donation agreement can be useful and helpful. In this way, your intention can already be scheduled at the current time.
Donations with right of recession
When donating assets, it may be contractually agreed that e.g. in case of personal need, a partial or total recall and repayment of the donation is possible without justification. So the donor has a security for the personal emergency. The right of recidivism is only for the donor himself, it expires at the death of the donor.
Donation of land and buildings
Donations of land and buildings require a public notarized contract and the entry in the land register.
Donation while preserving the beneficiary
It can also be agreed that the benefit of the donation is due to donor himself. (Example: donation of a property, whereby the donor reserves the right of residence.)
Donation of usufructuary rights
Another possibility is the donation of an income, respectively the usufruct rights of an asset, without this part of the wealth itself being given. (Eg donation of a percentage of the income from a company investment, the yield of securities or the use of real estate, etc.)
Legate & Testament
Testament and legacy
Inheritance is a special form of giving. If you want to establish a will in which you want to use the Goetheanum as heir or legatee, you should use the "General Anthroposophical Society", the legal sponsor of the Goetheanum and the Free University, as recipients. If you live in Germany, we recommend that you read the information brochure of the Gemeinnützige Treuhandstelle eV, which is available from us, before writing your will and corresponding legacies. In this the individual design options are explained in detail. Especially in complicated financial circumstances, we recommend to make a notarial will.
Personal advice
We are happy to provide you with personal advice, questions, suggestions or information. If you have questions about special projects, you are also welcome to address the individual sections or departments directly.
Justus Wittich · justus.wittich@goetheanum.ch
Oliver Conrad · oliver.conradt@goetheanum.ch
Tax Issues
For individuals resident in Switzerland
As a non-profit organization, we can issue donation receipts for private donations. In Switzerland, these are tax deductible in almost all cantons (in accordance with the cantonal provisions). Donations to the General Anthroposophical Society are free of gift tax.For individuals resident in Germany
For donations to the General Anthroposophical Society, the Anthroposophical Society in Germany e.V. will send you a donation receipt, which you can claim for tax purposes. Direct donations to charitable institutions abroad are not tax-deductible in Germany.
For individuals resident in other countries
If you are resident in another country, you can transfer your donation to the respective national company for forwarding to the Goetheanum. With regard to the tax deductibility, the respective national provisions apply here.
CHF account
General Anthroposophical Society
P.O. Box, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland
Raiffeisenbank Dornach, 4143 Dornach/Switzerland
IBAN: CH54 8080 8001 1975 4658 2
EUR account
General Anthroposophical Society
P.O. Box, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG, 44708 Bochum/Germany
IBAN: DE53 4306 0967 0000 9881 00
USD account
General Anthroposophical Society
P.O. Box, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland
Raiffeisenbank Dornach, 4143 Dornach/Switzerland
IBAN: CH23 8080 8001 7896 7636 5
GBP account
General Anthroposophical Society
P.O. Box, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland
Raiffeisenbank Dornach, 4143 Dornach/Switzerland
IBAN: CH57 8080 8002 4407 3179 9