School of Spiritual Science
Goetheanum – School of Spiritual Science

The School of Spiritual Science with its twelve sections is active worldwide in research, development, teaching, and the practical implementation of its research findings and is supported by the Anthroposophical Society. Events range from lectures on special themes, to large, international conferences, to performances by ensembles and guest performances in Eurythmy, theater, puppetry and music.
Situated in the Jura landscape, 10 Kilometers South of Basel, the Goetheanum sits grand on the Dornach hill, with its expressive architecture and picturesque garden park, café and a bookstore.
Goetheanum Leadership

Adam Blanning
Medical section

Oliver Conradt
Mathematical-Astronomical Section

Marion Debus
Medical section

Vesna Forštnerič Lesjak
Natural Science Section

Jan Göschel
Section for Inclusive Social Development

Gerald Häfner
Section for Social Sciences

Christiane Haid
Section for Visual Arts
Section for Literary Arts and Humanities

Stefan Hasler
Executive Council
Section for the Performing Arts

Ueli Hurter
Executive Council
Section for Agriculture

Constanza Kaliks
Executive Council
General Anthroposophical Section
Pedagogical Section

Karin Michael
Medical section

Matthias Rang
Natural Science Section

Philipp Reubke
Pedagogical section

Eduardo Rincón
Section for Agriculture

Peter Selg
Born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1963. 1986-1993 Study of medicine at the University of Witten/Herdecke, in Berlin and Zurich. From 1993 until 2000 Further training as a specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy. Senior physician in the psychiatric department for adolescents and young adults at the Herdecke Community Hospital. From 2002-2006 Head physician at the Ita Wegman Clinic Arlesheim (adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy); since 2006 establishment and management of the Ita Wegman Institute for Basic Anthroposophical Research. Since 2007 professorship for medical anthropology and ethics at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences; teaching in the Studium fundamentale and in the accompanying studies in anthroposophic medicine at the University/Witten-Herdecke. Since 2020, member of the Leadership of the General Anthroposophical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum.

Nathaniel Williams
Youth Section

Justus Wittich
Executive Council
Goetheanum Leadership Publications

Insights: Current and Future Research Projects

Peace in Ukraine!

Book: Human partnership with the earth in crisis

Statement: Anthroposophy and racism

Human orientation of the Anthroposophical Society

Book on Corona
Studies & Further Education

Goetheanum Studium
Our study programs address a variety of anthroposophy-related topics. As an international and diverse learning environment, we welcome participants from all over the world, of all ages, and with different educational backgrounds. On-campus and online courses, as well as professional training programs, are offered throughout the year and are held in different languages, all conducted by the Goetheanum faculty and professionals.

The Goetheanum Documentation is a section of the General Anthroposophical Society and as such is privately funded. It oversees the cultural material assets of the Goetheanum in its subdivisions: archive, library and art collection.

The Goetheanum Stage offers a valuable contribution to cultural events in the anthroposophical movement and also in the tri-border region with its eurythmy ensemble, the project ensembles for Rudolf Steiner's ‹Mystery Dramas›, Goethe's ‹Faust› and numerous guest performances.
In addition to numerous guest performances, the programme includes in-house productions. These include Goethe's ‹Faust›, the Four ‹Mystery Dramas› by Rudolf Steiner, productions by the Young Stage (Junge Bühne), eurythmy programmes by the Goetheanum Eurythmy School.
School Secretariat
Nicolas Criblez
+41 61 706 43 09
Mon. till Thu. 9 am - 11.30 am