The creative power of colours

Ascension Conference in The Hague (NL)

The creative power of colours

Between light and darkness, spirit and matter

from 09. to 12. May 2024


Colour is the soul of nature and of the whole
cosmos and we partake of this soul
as we experience colour.
Rudolf Steiner

Colour is a vital aspect of nature, culture and the arts and gives all these areas expression and character. As such, colour is an element that speaks directly to us and can trigger a wide range of sensitivities. In nature, colours appear between light and darkness as a primal phenomenon in its purest form. In culture, in the arts and in therapy, we can apply them to achieve certain effects. They are used in advertising, can express inner experiences, stimulate healing processes or spiritual experiences.

According to Rudolf Steiner, colour is the soul of nature and the entire cosmos. How can we experience colours in such a way that we share this «soul»? How can light, darkness and colour be recognised in their relationship to the threefold human being and used in a powerful way to create art, design spaces, support healing processes and enrich our inner life? We will raise and deepen these questions by means of phenomenological perceptions, artistic exercises and introductions from a wide range of expert fields. In the process, we will draw a line between light, darkness and colour in nature, in the arts, in therapy and in spiritual life.

The conference is addressing artists, therapists and anyone with a professional or private interest in colour. The contributions and workshops will be in English or German. There will be simultaneous translation for the lectures.
The conference will be accompanied by various exhibitions with works by Hans-Dieter Appenrodt, Jan de Boon, Liane Collot d’Herbois, Eugène Hennekens, Irene van der Laag, Frederiek Nelissen, Joost Poel, Peter Vormer.

Christiane Haid, Joost Poel,Aafke Schreuder, Will Uitgeest,Irene van der Laag, Pieter van der Ree