School Members Meeting
The Foundation Stone of the Anthroposophical Society and the Mantric Good of the School of Spiritual Science
from 03. to 05. November 2023
The 2023 School of Spiritual Science Conference at the Goetheanum titled “The Foundation Stone of the Anthroposophical Society and the Mantric Good of the School of Spiritual Science“, is dedicated to the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, the new beginnings associated with it, and the responsibility for the future.
All members of the School of Spiritual Science worldwide are invited to attend. The meeting will begin with an advanced training for class-holders centered around the Rosicrucian words and the Foundation Stone meditation. The subsequent
meeting of class-holders will address, among other things, the development of the form of the School of Spiritual Science and the Anthroposophical Society - as well as the special task of class-holders in this context. Then, with all the members of the School of Spiritual Science present, we will turn to the spiritual substance of the mantras, the Foundation Stone Meditation, and the tasks of the specialized sections - what are the spiritual challenges we face in various fields of work, and to what extent is the work of the “Esoteric School of the Goetheanum“ (R. Steiner) indispensable for mastering them? How are the class lessons and the section work concretely connected? Fundamental aspects of the spiritual work will be further deepened through various working groups; topics include compositional aspects of the course of the 19 lessons, including Sergei O. Prokofieff’s contribution, points of view on the understanding and practice of anthroposophical meditation, Rudolf Steiner‘s teaching of the Hierarchies, and the significance of eurythmy for the formation of the class lessons.
The entire conference will be held in German and English.
We are looking forward to your coming!
On behalf of the Goetheanum-Leadership,
Constanza Kaliks, Peter Selg and Claus-Peter Röh (General Anthroposophical Section)