Movement creates mobility – Eurythmy as a source of life

International Conference for Eurythmy - Eurythmy Therapy 2024

Movement creates mobility – Eurythmy as a source of life

from 03. to 07. April 2024

Grosser Saal

With Performances, Project Courses, Initiatives, Lectures.
Beforehand, on 2 April 2024 from 10 am - 6 pm, all eurythmy departments are invited to meet for a theme day.

Today, movement is regarded as an essential prerequisite for health, education and guiding processes of change. Its effect is recognised, studied and lively discussed in medicine, psychology, education, cultural and social sciences. This opens up many new opportunities and possibilities for the application of eurythmy, which we can seize and thus make a contribution to the pressing issues of our time.

The International Professional Conference at Easter 2024 will provide an opportunity to experience, question and explore our central field of work – the eurythmy movement, which is an ensouled, lively and gripping experience – in a new way and to realise it together.

Proven and new forms should provide a suitable frameworkfor this. Meeting as an essential form of movement between people, listening to and empathising with each other and sharing in developments relating to eurythmy, is a central motive for our coming together.

Our fundamental works – the tone and speech eurythmy courses – were given 100 years ago. We want to celebrate this togetherby looking to our future tasks with vigour and enthusiasm and making the professional conference a place where we can refresh, strengthen and rejuvenate ourselves.

We are looking forward to an intensive time together!

Lina Baimler, Manuela Biesantz, Stefan Hasler, Hanna Koskinen, Ulrike Wendt and Michael Werner