Reincarnation and Karma in the Work of Rudolf Steiner

Reincarnation and Karma in the Work of Rudolf Steiner

Study Week

from 28. July 2025 to 01. August 2025

Grosser Saal

Understanding what reincarnation and karma mean is a question that has become existential for more and more people today. Rudolf Steiner worked on this theme from 1903 in lectures, in his books Theosophy and Occult Science and artistically in his Mystery Dramas. In 1924 he intensified the presentation of his research results in more than 80 lectures. 

From the perspective of an understanding of reincarnation and karma, life is no accident but rather a fabric woven of karmic preconditions; this fabric can be discovered and recognised with the help of meditative practices, An understanding of the origin of human beings in cosmic expanses, their rootedness in past cultures and the task given by destiny that places an individual in particular human relationships and community contexts are all life puzzles that are to be taken up as responsibilities in the age of the consciousness soul. As Rudolf Steiner’s last address on September 28, 1924, indicates, he saw any involvement with the theme of reincarnation and karma as one of his legacies. A recognition and specific understanding of the facts associated with reincarnation and karma enables individuals to arrive at a completely different understanding of their individual life and destiny. Meeting anthroposophy and the life of the Anthroposophical Society can be experienced as a puzzle on the one hand and as a task or mission on the other. The challenge now is for an individual’s presence of mind to take ownership of the puzzle and to fructify it for the future. Together we want to approach this central theme with you in lectures, working groups, workshop performances, conversations and exercises in the course of the Study Week.

Christiane Haid and Ariane Eichenberg