How do I find the Good?
100 years Course for Young Doctors
from 03. to 07. January 2024
Dear friends of Anthroposophic Medicine,
In every encounter with a patient, we meet the question: What does this individual need for their healing process and how can I contribute? The medicine of today does not recognise the soul or spirit, upholds an increasingly reductionist and materialistic view of the human being, and as such cannot provide an answer!
One hundred years ago, a group of young doctors asked Rudolf Steiner to give guidance on their path of inner development. In response, Steiner gave the ‘Course for Young Doctors’. This course provides a bridge from the scientific-physiological to the moral-spiritual, leading towards capacities which enable the becoming of a true healer. Such a developmental process requires strong heart-forces, an enlivened understanding of nature, the cosmos and of karma, and a will to renew ancient mystery wisdom through the Christ impulse.
In the Holy Nights of January 2024, this impulse will be 100 years old! Our conference will offer a space for the commemoration of this historic event, for the sharing of experiences and for finding ways to incarnate this impulse as a healing gesture for today’s medical system. We will have lectures and workshops where the contents of the ‘Course’ can be brought to life. Importantly, there will also be space for encounter and social warmth, which may help us support each other in carrying this impulse into the future.
Please feel warmly invited to join us!
The YIAM team
The event is accredited by the Academy of Anthroposophic Medicine GAÄD with 22 hours of B and 22 hours of personal work. Inline with the WHO benchmarks.