2022 East-West Congress

2022 East-West Congress

03 July 2019 Wolfgang Schaffer 4493 views

The deadline for registering for the 2022 East-West Congress in Vienna (Anthroposophy Worldwide 1–2/2019) has been extended until the end of September 2019.

Deposits for more than 220 tickets have already been paid for the 2022 East-West Congress in Vienna. We are now looking for at least the same number of people again who are prepared to pay a deposit of 100 Euros per ticket so that we can hire our preferred venue: the Vienna Konzerthaus. This venue is a five minute walk away from the Vienna Musikverein, where Rudolf Steiner held the East West Congress of 1922.

At the end of May we had a conversation with the director of the Vienna Konzerthaus, Matthias Naske. Although his grandmother was an active anthroposophist, this will unfortunately not make any difference to the rental charges we have to pay. After our very open conversation, the signing of the rental agreement is now envisaged for the end of September 2019. This means that we can extend the registration period until then!

The best way to help at this stage is to spread the news as quickly and widely as possible that «Rudolf Steiner will be in Vienna – represented by the achievements of anthroposophy in the various spheres of life so far!» After all, who of us would not wish to be there if they could actually meet Rudolf Steiner as an individual, like a hundred years ago?

We have already found many cooperating partners, including the Goetheanum, the Anthroposophical Society in Germany, the European Co-operation in Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social therapy (ECCE), Socialartist.events, the Friends of Rudolf Steiner Education/ Emergency Education, Eliant and the Christian Community.

Conference 2022 East-West Congress in Vienna, 4 to 6 June 2022