Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting

Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting

27 November 2019 Sebastian Jüngel 8209 views

The General Anthroposophical Society’s Annual Conference and AGM will be held at the Goetheanum from 2 to 5 April 2020.

The motto of next year’s annual conference and AGM will be «Uniting with the world willingly and out of love. How can we bring health to humanity and to the earth?» The AGM will be divided into several parts: «On the situation of anthroposophy, the Society and the School of Spiritual Science», with statements by members of the Executive Council and the Goetheanum Leadership (2 April); «Membership consultation on initiatives, motions and concerns» (3 April); and «Financial Statement, discharge, decisions» (4 April). Other agenda items will include the confirmation of Joan Sleigh as a member of the Goetheanum’s Executive Council and questions regarding participation.

The Annual Conference from 3 to 5 April will offer esoteric study in the morning, based on Class Lessons (for members of the School of Spiritual Science), meditations on «Raphael and Michael», «the forces of morning and evening» and on the «Representative of Humanity», as well as a study of Rudolf Steiner’s Letter to Members of 16 November 1924.

The three new leaders of the General Anthroposophical Section will speak: Constanza Kaliks, Claus-Peter Röh and Peter Selg (2 April). Additionally, three spheres of life have been chosen to present their central themes: the Section for Agriculture will address the question of «Our responsibility for the earth and its climate» (3 April); the Medical Section will use the centenary of Anthroposophic Medicine to focus on the «will to heal» (4 April); and the Executive Council at the Goetheanum will look generally at «spiritual impulses for social co-existence» (5 April).

The Annual Conference will moreover include short presentations from the Anthroposophical Society’s worldwide activities (3 April) and a space for conversation initiated by the young members with the motto «How can we bring health to future humanity and to the earth?» (4 April). The new programme of the Goetheanum’s Eurythmy Ensemble and the commemoration of the dead will conclude the day on 3 and 4 April respectively. The Annual Conference will conclude on 5 April with a look at «Perspectives and impulses» and a performance of the Foundation Stone Meditation.