Online progr@mme
The Goetheanum is providing a growing range of online events. Contributions and events are available both from the archives and on livestream.
The Signature of Our Time. Lecture series (German, English)
From the work on Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas (German, English)
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21 December 2020. Web seminars (two lectures in German, two lectures in English).
Running now (registration closed)
1 to 28 February: Beyond the Third. Online study course (in English; interactive language groups in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish)
Coming up
9 February, 6 - 9 p.m.: Assistierter Suizid. Ethische Fragen bei Sterbewunsch und Auswege durch die palliativmedizinische Begleitung. Online symposium on ethical questions in relation to Assisted Suicide (in German).
11 to 14 February: Breathing With the Climate Crisis – Ecologically-Socially-Spiritually. Online conference (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)
27 February 2021, 8 p.m.: ‘Help for those who seek’. Sergei O. Prokofieff’s study on Rudolf Steiner’s Fragment of a Spiritual Biography. Lecture for members by Peter Selg (German, English).
27 February 2021: ‹Mensch – Methoden. Mut zur Verwandlung in der Mittelstufe›. Study conference for middle school teachers (in German).
Pedagogical Section videos (various languages, with English subtitles)
Contributions on Covid-19 from the Medical Section (German, English)