Online lecture: Rudolf Steiner and the earth as a living being

Online lecture: Rudolf Steiner and the earth as a living being

26 March 2021 Ueli Hurter 5938 views

The earth is endangered by pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate change.

"If we consider that the earth is a living being, we realize how urgently our striving for knowledge and our active engagement are needed" so Ueli Hurter. The earth as a living being is a central theme in Rudolf Steiner’s work and intrinsic to all he did and to anthroposophical thought. One could ask if this isn’t a contradiction: aren’t spirit and earth opposites? Yet Rudolf Steiner developed a comprehensive spiritual concept of the earth and of earthly life.

Ueli Hurter: "Are there contributions we can make, out of anthroposophy, following in Rudolf Steiner’s footsteps, towards meeting these major challenges of our time?"

The talk 'Rudolf Steiner and the earth as a living being' by Ueli Hurter can be followed live here, in German and English, on 30 March, 20:00 CET.