Therapeutic Intuition

Therapeutic Intuition

Perception and reality in diagnosis and therapy

from 10. September 2024
to 15. September 2024
Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum
Working for freedom and the common good

Working for freedom and the common good

Bringing a new life into the economy. 100 years after the first World Power Conference

from 19. September 2024
to 21. September 2024
World Goetheanum Association
On Rudolf Steiner's Last Address

On Rudolf Steiner's Last Address

A Society and School for the Michaelic Age

from 28. September 2024
to 29. September 2024
Allgemeine Anthroposophische Gesellschaft
Inclusive Social Development

Inclusive Social Development

Celebrating 100 years together!

from 02. October 2024
to 06. October 2024
Anthr. Council for Inclusive Social Development


Entzündung und Tumor als Auge und Ohr an falscher
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

Inflammation and tumour as eye and ear in the wrong place

Joint start of the conference · Adam Blanning, Marion Debus, Karin Michael

10. September 2024 | 14:30

Wahrnehmung des Heilbedarfs
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

Perception of the need for healing

100 years of meditative deepening of the art of healing. A presentation by Young Impulses in Anthroposophic Medicine

10. September 2024 | 19:30

100 Jahre Heilpädagogischer Kurs
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

100 years of the Special Needs Education Course

Perception for the other person. A keynote by Jan Göschel and Adam Blanning

11. September 2024 | 19:30

"Die wahre Wirklichkeit"
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

"The true reality"

Dornach, September 1924. Rudolf Steiner’s last courses. A keynote by Peter Selg

12. September 2024 | 15:00

Anamnese und Schicksal in der therapeutischen Bege
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

Medical history and destiny in the therapeutic encounter

 Case presentation and principle. A keynote by Laura Piffaretti and Mathias Sauer

13. September 2024 | 19:30

Diagnose (Findung)
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

Diagnosis (Finding)

Perception and judgement – Case presentation and principle. A keynote by Elma Pressel and Genn Kameda

14. September 2024 | 09:15

Therapie (Freiheit)
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

Therapy (Freedom)

The mind to help and will to heal – Case presentation and principle. A keynote by Georg Soldner and Rolf Heine

15. September 2024 | 09:15

Welche Art von Medizin wollen wir eigentlich?
Live Stream Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum

What kind of medicine do we actually want?

How can medicine be truly human? A keynote by Karin Michael and Adam Blanning

15. September 2024 | 11:15

Tanzgeschichte und Eurythmie mit Mikko Jari
Live Stream Goetheanum-Bühne

History of Dance and Eurythmy

A conversation with Mikko Jairi

16. September 2024 | 20:00

Podiumsgespräch Dusingizimana
Live Stream Anthr. Council for Inclusive Social Development

Healing Others and Yourself

A panel discussion with Zacharie Dusingizimana

06. October 2024 | 09:00

Sympoiesis: Vom Darüber-Denken zum Mit-Leben
Live Stream Naturwissenschaftliche Sektion

Sympoiesis: From Thinking About to Being With

Welcome · Introduction · Keynote. A Presentation by Vesna Forštnerič Lesjak, Matthias Rang, Meinhard Simon and Craig Holdrege

10. October 2024 | 16:30

100 Jahre Bildschaffende Methoden und Die künstle
Live Stream Naturwissenschaftliche Sektion

100 Years of Picture Forming Methods and Artistic Inquiry as a Complementary Method for Scientific Research

Anthro-niche or Factor of Influence? Keynotes given by Paul Doesburg, Greta Guglielmetti and Eduardo Rincón

11. October 2024 | 11:00

Verwoben & Verflochten
Live Stream Naturwissenschaftliche Sektion

Woven & Entangled

A keynote given by Florianne Koechlin

13. October 2024 | 10:00