Relationship culture, peace skills and innovation through pedagogy
Live Stream

Be The Change. Contributions from the Goetheanum

Relationship culture, peace skills and innovation through pedagogy

22. March 2024 at 20:00


A lecture by Jorge Cendales and Philipp Reubke

Our future is in the hands of our children and young people. We have a unique opportunity to inspire and empower them to discover and develop their social skills and creativity. To do this, it is essential that we adults lead by example and embody the qualities we want to foster in the younger generations. Despite the current social and environmental challenges that show us that these skills are often neglected in our society, there is an opportunity for positive change right now. Parents, educators and teachers play a key role in this: they are the pioneers who revive these essential skills and integrate them into everyday life. In doing so, they create a foundation on which children and young people can develop their full potential and play an active role in shaping a constructive and hopeful future.

Our focus is on two exciting aspects: Firstly, we want to explore how we can create a culture of togetherness in educational institutions through innovative forms of collaboration that not only strengthens social interaction, but also promotes the growth and developmental capacity of these institutions. Secondly, we will address the inspiring question of how we can effectively support and enhance the social skills of children and young people through targeted pedagogical approaches. This dialog offers a unique opportunity to discover together new ways in which we can empower the next generation and help them develop their social skills in an ever-changing world.
