Eurythmy and architecture

Eurythmy and architecture

23 August 2021 Sebastian Jüngel 8163 views

On 11 July 2021 a group around Gioia Falk presented, on the Goetheanum Terrace, eurythmy expressing the dynamic of the building’s architecture and landscape.

Sebastian Jüngel How did this programme come about?

Gioia Falk
People focus on their smartphones today and they often withdraw, inwardly too. I asked myself: where is our interest in the world, in beauty, awakened? Our eyes and ears are flooded with stimuli. Going to the theatre or attending a concert seems to have become more difficult. And yet, people use their mobile phones to look for beautiful places or buildings. They look for public places that are not closed off, where it is not obviously apparent whether one is still outside or already inside; buildings that give a certain protection, allowing us to be human.

Resonating with the landscape

SJ What kind of experiences contributed to your vision?

After producing the Mystery Plays at the Goetheanum a few years ago, I dreamt of buildings. My question was: where are destiny and culture closely connected? I embarked on architectural journeys. One decisive experience I had was in front of Santiago Calatrava’s concert hall in Santa Cruz, Tenerife (ES). I experienced how the architecture resonated with the landscape. A direct dialogue is possible between the surroundings (the sea and the mountains), the soul and the building; there are vibrations and resonance. Bringing the streams of nature together with a cultural work such as a building leads to a culmination. I asked myself how this could be shown in eurythmy.

How is that: doing eurythmy around a building in the open air?

I used to have reservations: appearing outside, wearing a eurythmy dress and veil as usual, is inappropriate; the eurythmy vaporizes. I looked for a way by studying what Rudolf Steiner said about ancient temple dance. Learning about (theatre) masks had an important impact on the design of the costumes that were like an extension of the limbs. Ways of moving and realizing the sounds emerged that were suitable for outside, even on windy days.

People looked up

I invited colleagues to take part. When we performed in Tenerife, in front of the concert hall, it happened: people looked up from their smartphones, the children joined in. After we finished, we were invited to show some of our work on two days, just before a concert, in the foyer of the concert hall.

I went on to perform variations, depending on the occasion and locality, in different places in Germany. Children often referred to us as ‘angels’ while some adults said it was like meditation.

What made you choose the Goetheanum?

The Goetheanum Terrace provides many opportunities and perspectives for the dialogue between artistic design and the landscape. The Goetheanum grew out of the relationship between the building and its surroundings; the four directions, the elements, have been incorporated.

Contact Gioia Falk,
12 September 2021, Goetheanum, during the Campus party