Agriculture Course

Agriculture Course

01 March 2022 Sebastian Jüngel 4662 views

Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course (GA 327) has been newly edited in German by the Rudolf Steiner Archives in collaboration with the Section for Agriculture.

Thanks to new sources, the text underlying the Agriculture Course could be verified and improved. Aside from numerous well researched changes to the text and commentary, it has been complemented by information on the initiation of an agricultural test project.

Rudolf Steiner had been asked repeatedly for a course for farmers. After the First World War, the soils in Europe were depleted, by artificial fertilizers among other things; seeds and food were of very poor quality. At Whitsun 1924 in Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce, PL), Rudolf Steiner, although aware of the dimension of this task, gave numerous indications for improving food production.

The new edition was initiated by Ueli Hurter, co-leader of the Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum, and Albrecht Römer (Lehenhof, DE), and completed with support from Martin von Mackensen (Dottenfelder Hof, DE), Rudolf Isler (Falbringer Hof, CH) and Hans-Christian Zehnter (chief editor for GA 327 at the Rudolf Steiner Archives, Dornach, CH).

The book has come out in time for the forthcoming centenary of the course in 2024 and will constitute the basis for new translations. Additional material on the 1924 course is available in the Archives (section 11).

Web Book publishing: Agriculture Course (German audio only)