Class of 2023

Class of 2023

02 July 2023 Mayumi Matsumiya 3971 views

On 21 June the current anthroposophy course at the Goetheanum ended with a presentation of research projects that explore the human being and our interconnectedness with the world.

With each new group of students, the Goetheanum Campus blossoms into a vibrant meeting point for individuals from different countries, age groups, and further backgrounds, forming a dynamic and plural community. This multicultural learning environment is one of the things that sets this program apart as a unique educational experience. The bonds created here weave a global network of individuals committed to Anthroposophy in different fields.

Exploring human experience

As a closure to their learning journey, the students presented research projects on 21 June, covering a range of captivating themes. The presentations offered an exploration of human experience, intertwining artistic quests, health-related concerns, and educational perspectives. Projects such as ‘Tone Architecture: Spiritualizing Matter Through Sound’ and ‘Parsifal & I - Carving the Grail’ delved into artistic endeavours. Health and well-being were at the center with projects like ‘The Effects of Screen Time on the Soul Life,’ ‘Thinking, Feeling, Willing – an Encounter with Special Needs,’ and ‘A Journey to the Heart.’ Education-related research also garnered attention through projects such as ‘Child Observation’ and ‘Goetheanism and Curative Education.’

The holistic nature of these research projects showcased the interconnectedness of various aspects of human experience. Each project, in its unique way, explored the social fabric of our lives, delved into the depths of human emotions and personal development, and ultimately envisioned a brighter future, as exemplified in projects such as ‘Concentration,’ ‘The Human Face,’ and ‘The Task of Youth.’

We hope that each graduate will carry their newfound knowledge into their professional and personal lives and become a catalyst for positive changes in the world.

Preparing for the academic year 2023/2024

As we bid farewell to our Class of 2023, the Goetheanum Studies department takes a moment to look back and start the preparation to welcome a new wave of students from every corner of the globe.

The Anthroposophy study course is aimed at anyone seeking to broaden their perspectives and nurture creative thinking. Featuring lessons focused on the study of Rudolf Steiner's writings, weekly seminars, artistic courses, field trips, and nature observation classes, the programme invites you to embark on the full three-trimester plan or select a single term that aligns with your aspirations.

There are no requirements for this course, apart from a fair knowledge of the English language. While our classes are held in English, we encourage participants to explore the texts in their language of choice, celebrating the linguistic diversity that enriches our community.

Anthroposophy Studies in the academic year 2023/2024 Autumn Term: 2 October - 15 December 2023; Winter Term: 15 January - 22 March 2024; Spring Term: 15 April – 21 June 2024
Information and Applications