Faust Summer Festival

Faust Summer Festival

01 March 2022 Wolfgang Held 8614 views

In July 2022 the Goetheanum Stage will bring back Andrea Pfaehler’s and Eduardo Torres’ production of Goethe’s Faust in three performances.

The most recent Faust production at the Goetheanum is entering its third year, and as last summer, the directors Andrea Pfaehler and Eduardo Torres will continue to develop what unfolds over nine hours on the Goetheanum Stage.

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live,” Mephisto calls to Faust before the latter is magically rejuvenated in the witch’s kitchen. This statement will be the motto of this year’s summer festival in July. It is indeed confidence in our own personality that is rejuvenating and that, moreover, enables us to learn to love the world and our fellow humans.

Covid has made many things visible as through a burning lens, and the pandemic directs our attention to this appeal: to take ourselves more seriously and be more trusting. Here, Faust is inspirational!

We will see rejuvenation in the ensemble, too, this year: after Valentin and Gretchen, two further parts will be cast with actors from the youth theatre Junge Bühne. And there may be yet another change this year: the three performances of the Faust Summer Festival will – one can hope and expect – no longer be affected by Covid restrictions.

Faust performances with accompanying programme 8 to 10 July 2022 and 15 to 17 July 2022

Faust performance
23 to 24 July 2022

