Language and the human being

Language and the human being

01 March 2022 Sebastian Jüngel 4642 views

The specialist conference for eurythmy, eurythmy therapy and artistic speech which will focus on the power of sounds and the sound of language will be held as a hybrid event at the Goetheanum.

“The pandemic has made us aware again of the importance of the spoken word,” says Stefan Hasler, who is head of the Section for the Performing Arts at the Goetheanum. He means by this that we can only experience others in perceiving their language in the direct encounter with their whole personality – as whole human beings. Stefan Hasler does, however, not exclude other forms of communication. “The differentiation of language in emails, chat, texts and other mechanically conveyed forms of expression has been challenging us – especially since the Covid measures but also due to the progressing digitalization of communication – we are ready to take on this challenge.”

The conference on the power of language to shape us joins the joy of being able to meet in person again at the Goetheanum with many ways of sharing the conference content: several people will speak on one topic, there will be diverse social formats such as dialogue walks, meditative and health-giving exercises as well as therapeutic applications.

The aim is to develop new ways of dealing with forms of language today, be it in schools, therapy, adult education or training. The conference speakers will be people who are working with language, for instance as priests, activists, writers and linguists.

The conference will have an online and an in-person part; lectures and evening performances will be livestreamed.

Conference The power of language to shape the human being, 18 to 22 April 2022