New study in the Edith Maryon Haus

New study in the Edith Maryon Haus

01 March 2022 Sebastian Jüngel 5181 views

Edith Maryon’s 150th birthday was celebrated on 9 February in the house where she used to live. The occasion was also used to start a study initiative.

At the invitation of the General Anthroposophical Section, students and Goetheanum staff members came together to celebrate the 150th birthday of Rudolf Steiner’s close co-worker Edith Maryon who worked with him, among other things, on the sculpture of the Representative of Humanity. Peter Selg spoke of her social commitment which was apparent, for instance, in the impulse to create affordable accommodation for Goetheanum co-workers, artists in particular. As a ‘protective figure’ she foresaw the catastrophe of the fire that would destroy the Goetheanum, and she was also the first person to smell the initial smoldering fire. Peter Selg related how Rudolf Steiner not only appointed Edith Maryon as head of the Visual Art Section, but also wished to see her as a member of the Executive Council. Sadly, she died prematurely in early May 1924. Rudolf Steiner captured her social commitment in a verse he dedicated to her: “The healthy social life is found…”, often referred to as the Motto of Social Ethics.

Edith Maryon’s round birthday was also used as an occasion to inaugurate one of her former rooms as a future study space. Constanza Kaliks said that young people involved in the Studies at the Goetheanum, the Youth Section and the Campus should have the possibility to meet and explore Rudolf Steiner’s work. A full set of Rudolf Steiner’s collected works is still needed for this study space. Nicolas Criblez announced that colloquia would take place there on the relation between philosophy and anthroposophy.

Lecture Peter Selg: Origin and significance of the Christ Sculpture. Rudolf Steiner’s collaboration with Edith Maryon.

General Anthroposophical Section